Baseball Action during the 2017 MVP tournament held in Decatur, Georgia
Photo Credits: (c) 2017 Harold Michael Harvey
This past weekend, contributing reporter Harold Michael Harvey was on assignment in Decatur, Georgia covering the annual Mentoring Viable Prospects (MVP) showcase and filed the following two reports. Each can be viewed by going to the below links:
It’s a Myth-Black Kids Do Play Baseball
MVP-A Treasure Trove of Black Baseball Talent
The three day baseball showcase was organized 15 years ago by a group of Atlanta area coaches (including current CEO, Greg Goodwin) who played Black College baseball. The MVP is designed to give Black high schoolers exposure to college recruiters and professional scouts.
Harold Michael Harvey is an American novelist and essayist. He is a Contributor at The Hill, SCLC National Magazine, Southern Changers Magazine and Black College Nines. He can be contacted at [email protected]